Saturday 28 December 2013

Goodbye christmas hello 2014!

It's the 28th December. Today I woke up and said goodbye to christmas.
It's been lovely, lots of family, lots and lots of homemade gifts and time with those we love. It was ace...but.. Last night I just felt I'd had my fill.
I looked at the crispy holly garland and the wilting tree and the piles of stuff needing a new home and felt it was time (Scrooge or not) to clear away the year and start preparing for the next.
By 9.35am the decs were down and spring clean (just the living room) was in full swing. 
Our house is titch so I really feel clutter and it was imperative to my mental health to start the process before I got back to work.
The boys seemed very pleased with the fresh start. 
We took a long walk around our fave place and caught a breathtaking sunset whilst munching tangerines.
Tuna fish pie for tea with tons of veggies- not posh nosh but hearty and comforting and healthy and most importantly not cheese and crackers! Everyone loved it!
Relaxing tonight and planning the big move for 2014- which WILL happen this year- I'm full of hope!!!!
All in all we had a lovely day and have a few more before the return to work.
Hoping to clear more clutter and start afresh the house needs a good blast of air, a smudging and a lick of paint over the William damage!
Eekk can't wait for this year- I'm embracing it already.