Thursday, 29 August 2013

Just So Festival 2013

Just so,  a magical day out for the kiddies. This was the second time we've been and was even better than last year.
It rained, again.. They really need to pick a drier week! Although it didn't get in the way and we had dry spells too.
Highlights were the rock balancing men
Who rock!!!

Me and the boys had a go too, buster preferred to knock them down but that just saved my embarrassment at being rubbish at it!

Check out wills festival hat- with feather to top it off!

We discovered a mushroom wood- they were made from twisted brown paper bags- an example of how simple and effective art can be and also how inspiring!

William tickled the nose of the fairy queen who they met in a tipi in the depths of the fairy woods. 
Then they played twist the wooden Lolly pops with nanny Annie.
We saw a dance piece by two strange women ... I'm sorry but it was strange! Although the kids seemed to love it. No photo evidence of that one- it's in James camera so may follow.
They were told a story about a girl in Africa by a lady in a tent.
Trampled through the woods and met wild things.
Went to cowboy school and learnt the tricks....
And generally got in the festival vibe that was over too soon.
We keep promising ourselves well do the whole weekend one year- I'm sure it's magical at night around the fire.

Mindful and grateful

Life is amazing today, the summer has been very kind to us, generous in itself for the crisp mornings and almost endless sunny days and adventures in new places.
I feel full to bursting with happiness and gratitude for the summer, our time as a family together, the amazing generosity of friends and strangers who've become friends.
My mind swims with images of our last few months, beaches and rivers, mountains and streams, fires in the night and music and discussion and laughter.
Williams giggles and amazement and how much he has grown and learnt and taught us too.
Reunion with an old and very special friend, nostalgia and a heart bursting with remembrance and recognition.
Garden growing, thriving- after a disappointing couple of summers.
Creativity, I feel like I've HAD time, something that so often seems to elude me.
Realising on return to work from my holidays that I love my job and the amazing girls I work with, refreshed, willing, engaged for the next challenge and project.
Only trying to balance, keep a check- noticing that we all have times that are harder to bear. Not personally for me today but for people I love, grief and acceptance, pain and emotional hardship- it's difficult to think of these things when I'm vibrating on another level- a level I know I need to be on now- it's right for me.
Knowing that I'm blessed to be in a good place and from where I can offer support and love in a valuable way- rather than feeling it as another drain on an already weary soul.
This time of year is always powerful for me- it brings renewal and change.
Sometimes overwhelming but now it feels exciting and hell yeah! Bring it on.
So much is in flux, home? Nursery, Sisters school, new staff, 1st anniversary of our wedding day, rolling with it, smiling and embracing and remembering to be mindful and grateful of every little bit.
You know what? I've always known this but., looking for the next thing, or looking back... It's really not that helpful to my mental health. Plan yes, remember fondly or with a lesson learnt- yes. But mostly, most important of all- just be, feel, notice, smell and devour every happy moment when I'm in it- soon it's past and gone- better to live right now, instantaneously, whole heartedly, passionately, scream if you wanna go faster-ly breathe and become the moment!
That's my new season resolution, I plan to hold on to this clarity- keep it breathing and growing and evolving- exciting, where next! Oh yeah, sorry forgot already- just here and now.
For right now, sleep beautiful sleep......and time for dreaming.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Miniature pony centre!!! Awwww

Best day of holiday- at least in James book! Lovely miniature ponies and donkeys. So cute. 
I was in love with the donkeys but the tiny ponies I just couldn't deal with, actually the cutest things ever (with the exception of ceebee the cockerel) They loved a pat and a cuddle.
At first James hung back taking snaps and admiring how much wills and I were enjoying ourselves. 
Then Things changed! 
I talked him in to hugging one of the titch ponies and he literally couldn't get enough- ha ha
Wish I could post vids on here as you have to see it to believe it- he flipping loved those tiny tims!
He said the first hug he had was worth the ten pound entry fee! Told me he wanted to hug them all- ha ha
Think he was only slightly joking. He didn't quite achieve his ambition but got a fair few of them hugged before we left.

William had ride on a pony called honey and was chatting to the lady all the way round bless him!
We also had a lovely time running around the gardens, on trampolines and had the obligatory ice cream- not a day passed on holiday when he didn't sample the local icy delights- yarde farm is my fave!

Not directly  related but here is ceebee the cockerel who we visited on the way to Devon at puxton farm - I love him!!!

Holiday- seaside days

Just back from the best holiday house sitting in chudleigh in south Devon.
The house we were staying in belongs to a virtual buddy who I know through the green parent forum.
She kindly offered her beautiful home whilst she was away on holiday in return for looking after the gorgeous cat clover and keeping the house warm and lived in while the family were away.
After our journey it literally felt like we'd come home. The house was friendly, full of their personalities, art work, photographs and lots of books- exactly to all of our tastes. William was beside himself with the toys and books and jigsaws and was so settled there, much more so than holidays in the past- I'm sure it's because of the homely atmosphere.
We crammed in so much, met the neighbours, got to know the shopkeepers, paddled in many a river and stream.

This is the only photo I have on my phone of that- note to self- must get James photos uploaded to kindle so I can blog from that and choose scent snaps!

we met my sis Nikki and her fiancĂ© and kids at exmouth beach. 

The sun was being aloof, we stuck it out for a couple of hours then headed to their caravan in Lyme regis for a visit.

The sun came out and we had fish and chips on the beach and swam in the sea- the pebble beach was full if treasures- heart shaped stones and ones wih holes that ive strung up to use as wind chimes and memories of the special day, inspired by the ones hanging outside the house in chudleigh.